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Issue Details

Issue #40
Published May 2000
Cover Price 1.99 USD; 2.99 CAD
Pages 44
Editing Frank Dunkerley (assistant)

Cover Details - "In Space... No One Can Hear You Scream..."

Characters Deadpool
Genre Superhero; Humor
Pencils Cully Hamner (signed)
Inks Cully Hamner (signed)
Colors Cully Hamner ?

22 page Deadpool story "Warriors Four!"

Characters Deadpool [Wade Wilson; also as Thom Cruz]; Constrictor [Frank Schlichting]; Titania [Mary MacPherran; also as Skeeter]; Hayden; Taskmaster; Deadweight [Ecleta]; Deadair [Pyron]; Deadend [Malovick]; Whiplash [Mark Scarlotti]
Synopsis Deadpool and his student mercenaries must take over an orbiting space station as the final obstacle in their test. But firing a death ray towards an unsuspecting Earth isn't something that S.H.I.E.L.D. takes lightly! Pass or fail, millions of lives are in Wade's hands! Talk about test anxiety! [per solicitation]
Genre Superhero; Humor
Script James Owsley [as Christopher Priest]
Pencils Paco Diaz
Inks Jon Holdredge; Rich Perrotta; John Czop (assists); Scott Elmer (assists)
Colors Shannon Blanchard
Letters Sharpefont; Paul Tutrone [as P.T.]

8 page Spider-Man story "Fast Lane, Part 4 of 4: Back on Target"

Characters Spider-Man [Peter Parker]; Mysterio [Quentin Beck]; Sam Exmore; Toni Harris; Zane Whelan; Fantastic Four [Mister Fantastic; Invisible Woman; The Thing; Human Torch]; Avengers [Captain America; Iron Man; Thor; She-Hulk; Wonder Man]; Wolverine; Storm; Spider-Girl
Genre Superhero
Script Glenn Herdling
Pencils Gregg Schigel
Inks Richard Case
Colors Paul Mounts
Letters Chris Dickey
Editing Michael Stewart; Steve Behling
Notes Bonus insert

1 page Bullpen Bulletins; Stan's Soapbox promo (ad from the publisher) "Bullpen Bulletins; Farewell to George Roussos; Stan's Soapbox"

Script Stan Lee; ?
Pencils ? (photo)
Inks ? (photo)
Letters typeset
Notes Stan's Soapbox; Obituary to George Roussos (1915 - 2000); Marvel checklist for comics released March 29, 2000.

1 page Deadlines letters page "Deadlines"

Letters typeset
Notes Letters from readers -, Tom Waltz, Lord Doom and Brendan McGinley.