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Issue Details

Issue #18
Published March 2004
Frequency monthly
Cover Price 2.95 USD; 4.50 CAD
Pages 36
Editing Will Dennis; Casey Seijas (Assistant Editor)

Cover Details - "untitled"

Characters Yorick Brown; Agent 711
Genre Science Fiction
Pencils Aron Wiesenfeld (painting)
Inks Aron Wiesenfeld (painting)
Colors Aron Wiesenfeld (painting)
Reprinted in Y: The Last Man - Safeword [Vol. 4] (DC, 2004 series) #nn; in Y l'ultimo uomo: Legami (Magic Press, 2005 series) #nn

22 page Y story "Safeword Part One"

Characters Yorick Brown; Hero Brown (flashback); Mr. Brown (flashback); Grandfather Brown (flashback); Agent 355; Dr. Allison Mann; Ampersand; Agent 711
Genre Science Fiction
Script Brian K. Vaughan
Pencils Pia Guerra
Inks José Marzan, Jr.
Colors Zylonol
Letters Clem Robins
Reprinted in Y: The Last Man - Safeword [Vol. 4] (DC, 2004 series) #nn; in Y l'ultimo uomo: Legami (Magic Press, 2005 series) #nn

6 page promo (ad from the publisher) "House Advertisements"

Notes House Advertisement for: TRANSMETROPOLITAN: THE CURE tradepaperback, MIGHTY LOVE hardcover graphic novel, MIDNIGHT MASS miniseries, MY FAITH IN FRANKIE miniseries, SGT. ROCK: BETWEEN HELL AND A HARD PLACE hardcover graphic novel, PRIDE & JOY tradepaperback.

1 page promo (ad from the publisher) "On the Ledge"

Notes Monthly Vertigo promo page with January checklist (11 titles), February highlights and editorial (John Rozum).

6 page advertisement "Ads"

Notes Total of 6 one-page advertisements for: Hellboy (movie, Columbia Pictures), WWW Smack Down (tv, UPN), Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (game, Microsoft), Alienware (computer hardware,, Korn, Take a Look in the Mirror (music cd, Epic), Spider-Man - The New Animated Series (dvd, Sony).