Creating a cover price count summary

If you have a very large collection and do not already have a list of what you have, you could spend hundreds of hours preparing a list of every comic in your collection. As a much faster alternative, you can go through your collection and count the number of comics in each of the cover price groups listed below. When you provide us with your cover price counts, we'll ask a few other questions about your collection and then be able to make you an offer.

  • number of comics with 10c cover price (1961 & older)
  • number of comics with 12c cover price (1962-69)
  • number of comics with 15c cover price (1969-71)
  • number of comics with 20c cover price (1971-74)
  • number of comics with 25c cover price (1974-76)
  • number of comics with 30c cover price (1976-77)
  • number of comics with 35c cover price (1977-79)
  • number of comics with 40c cover price (1979-80)
  • number of comics with 50c cover price (1980-81)
  • number of comics with 60c to 65c price (1982-86)
  • number of comics with 75c cover price (1986-89)
  • number of comics with $1.00 to $1.50 cover price (1989-96)

Once you have counted the number of comics in your collection in each of the groups listed above, call us at 817-670-8115, Monday-Friday 9:00-5:00 Central to speak with a comic buying specialist.