Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Ground Zero (2000) comic books
by Reku Fuyunagi The revolutionary mecha anime series, as seen on the Cartoon Network, is now a monthly comic! In the future, rebel space colonies fight back against the tyrannical United Earth Sphere Alliance, which has become a puppet government of the secret organization OZ. Five resourceful, highly-trained young pilots, from five different colonies, answer the call to arms: Chang Wufei, Quatre Rabera Winner, Trowa Barton, Duo Maxwell, and Heero Yuy. Can five Gundam mobile suits overcome the armies of an entire planet? In this issue: Heero Yuy finds that his Gundam has been stolen, and a cryptic e-mail tells him to go to a tiny asteroid colony and wait for further instructions. But there are only a few people who can pilot a Gundam Wing. Who could be the thief? Includes four pages in full color! b&w, 32pg (1 of 4) Cover price $2.95.
by Reku Fuyunagi Heero's search for his lost Gundam leads him to an abandoned space colony where he meets his comrade Duo Maxwell, who claims he is also looking for his mobile suit. But when Heero least expects it, Duo turns on him! PC, 32pg (2 of 4) Cover price $2.95.
by Reku Fuyunagi The conclusion of the first sequel storyline, set after the ending of the TV series! With all five pilots accusing one another of stealing the Gundams and manipulating Duo's mind, it's up to Heero to find out who is responsible ? and why ? before guns are drawn. b&w, 40pg (3 of 4) Cover price $2.95.