The Crossing - "The Last Stand" Guest-starring Iron Man, Force Works, and
the Black Widow. Script by Dan Abnett. Pencils by Fred Haynes and Yancey
Labat. Inks by Johnny Greene and Jim Palmiotti. Cover by Sergio Cariello.
Story continues from Force Works #19. At Force Works headquarters in
Ventura, Iron Man has killed again! Oh my goodness! And he's not finished
yet unless James Rhodes can stop him! The golden avenger and War Machine have fought before! But never like this! Meanwhile in the sub-basement, another life-or-death battle rages: Century vs. the turncoat Cybermancer! Unbelievable! The wheels have come completely off at Force Works! Story continues in Iron Man 324 and Force Works #20. Cameo appearances by Rachel Carpenter, Fisher Todd, and Amanda Chaney (deceased). Force Works Lineup: Century, Moonraker, Spider-Woman, Scarlet Witch, and the U.S. Agent. (Note: This issue was reprinted in 2012 in the hardcover: Avengers The Crossing Omnibus.) 32 pages.
Cover price $1.50.