What's 84 pages, is published every three months, and stars more heroes than you can shake a stick at? JUSTICE LEAGUE QUARTERLY, that's what. And to launch the latest JL title, #1 features the debut of a new group of super-heroes, the one that Booster Gold's been working so hard to put together since leaving the Justice League. He calls the group, which is backed by some of the country's biggest and most powerful corporations, the Conglomerate. Booster's new pals and gals are Maxi-Man, Praxis, Gypsy, Echo, Vapor and Reverb, but pretty soon Booster's got to wonder if their industry backers want them to be heroes...or corporate puppets. What he doesn't have to wonder is how the Justice League's going to react when the two groups come into conflict. Written by Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis, with art by Chris Sprouse and Bruce Patterson. Cover pencils by Adam Hughes.
Cover price $2.95.