"Dragon Doom!" The Dragon Seed Saga Part 6 of 6. Giant-Sized issue. Script by John Byrne. Pencils by Paul Ryan. Inks by Bob Wiacek. Cover by Paul Ryan and Bob Wiacek. This is it! In the Valley of Dragons, the Invincible Iron Man (aka Tony Stark) goes for broke vs. the dragon lords of Kakaranathara! In a dazzling display of his technical wizardry, the armored avenger keeps Fin Fang Foom and his fellow dragons at bay; while an exhausted Rhodey tries to get the Mandarin to join the fight! When the master of the ten rings at last enters the fray, he stands alongside the golden avenger! Will the world much less China survive the dragon armageddon? An awesome finale! Cameo appearances by Peter Parker, Mary Jane Watson, Thor (aka Eric Masterson), Mr. Fantastic, the Thing, and the Man-Thing. Second story: "Moments Unseen" Script by John Byrne. Art by Tony DeZuniga. Tony Stark visits Dr. Su Yin (and her husband) one last time before leaving China. Cameo appearance by Jim Rhodes. (Notes: Fin Fang Foom returns in Iron Man (3rd series) #16. This issue includes a one-page pin-up of Iron Man by John Romita Jr. and Bob Wiacek. This story was reprinted in 1998 in the trade paperback: Bring Back The Bad Guys.) 48 pages.
Cover price $1.50.