"Firefang!" Part 2 of 2. Script by Denny O'Neil. Pencils by Mark Bright. Inks by Ian Akin and Brian Garvey. Cover by Mark Bright, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey. A.I.M. has conquered the island country of Boca Caliente! And the red & silver avenger feels terrible about it, because he inadvertently aided A.I.M.'s conquest! So now Iron Man wants to liberate the people of the Caribbean nation, but the U.S. State Department won't let him set foot on the island! However when Tony learns that nuclear weapons on Boca Caliente are pointed at the United States, he must take action! And as shown on the dynamic cover, that action involves chasing down three ballistic missiles! Godspeed Shell-Head! Cameo appearances by Bethany
Cabe, Alex van Tilburg, Clytemnestra Erwin, and Jim Rhodes. (Notes: This
issue completes Denny O'Neil's tremendous 4-year run as the writer of the
Iron Man title -- highlighted by James Rhodes' becoming the Invincible Iron
Man and the creation of Obadiah Stane.) 32 pages.
Cover price $0.75.