"Sky Duel!" Guest-starring the West Coast Avengers. Script by Denny O'Neil. Pencils by Mark Bright. Inks by Ian Akin and Brian Garvey. Cover by Mark Bright, Ian Akin, and Brian Garvey. Iron Man's cataclysmic clash with Iron Monger is over; and Obadiah Stane has been vanquished. But much work remains to be done at the former headquarters of Stark International! Namely rescuing Pepper, Happy, and Mrs. Arbogast from a burning underground laboratory! Once Shell-Head does that, he's reunited with Bethany Cabe. However Bethany is acting very strangely. And so too is Madame Masque for that matter! What exactly did Dr. Atlanta do to them a few issues ago? Meanwhile across the country, A.I.M. launches an air attack against the Avengers' west coast compound! And Hawkeye, Mockingbird, and Tigra need help from the man in the Silver Centurion Armor! Cameo appearances by Clytemnestra Erwin, James Rhodes, and Yorgon Tykkio, (Note: In this issue Tony Stark agrees to join the West Coast Avengers.) 32 pages.
Cover price $0.65.