Direct Edition. "The Vengeance of Vibro!" Part 2 of 2. Script by Denny O'Neil. Pencils by Luke McDonnell. Inks by Steve Mitchell. Cover by Luke McDonnell and Steve Mitchell. Vibro wants another shot at the golden avenger! And after breaking out of jail, the new super-villain gets his wish! In a small town north of Los Angeles, Vibro clashes with Shell-Head again! But this time Morley and Tony have a plan to help Rhodey! And it involves the San Andreas Fault --- the source of Vibro's power! If Iron Man can draw Vibro away from the fault, he'll draw closer to victory! Cameo appearances by Clytemnestra Erwin, Barton Grimes, and Percy Grimes. (Notes: Vibro returns in Iron Man 191. This issue includes a special one-page Marvel subscription advertisement featuring Alpha Flight members: Aurora, Marrina, Puck, and Sasquatch; with original art by John Byrne.) 32 pages.
Cover price $0.60.