First full appearance of Obadiah Stane (aka the Iron Monger and the villain in the first MCU Iron Man movie in 2008). "One of Those Days..." Script by Denny O'Neil. Pencils by Luke McDonnell. Inks by Steve Mitchell. Cover by Luke McDonnell and Steve Mitchell. Tony Stark returns to the states and finds the Melter waiting for him in his office! But as expected Shell-Headmakes short work on the Melter! And now the Stark International CEO is ready for some long overdue rest! However Vic Martinelli calls and gives Tony the name and location of the mysterious mastermind trying to destroy his life! The golden avenger rushes to Salt Lake City to confront the man called Obadiah Stane! And it's a dangerous confrontation that Iron Man won't soon forget! Cameo appearances by Jim Rhodes, Vic Martinelli, Mrs.Arbogast, and Indries Moomji. (Notes: This issue features a 2-page ad forthe Spider-Man Video Action Game Cartridge where the Green Goblin distracts the web-slinger as he is playing the game. Shell-Head's complete first encounter with Obadiah Stane (including this issue) was reprinted in 2013 in the softcover: Iron Man The Enemy Within Epic Collection.) 32 pages.
Cover price $0.60.