"Terminal Emulation" Part 2 of 3. Script by Len Kaminski. Art by Tom Morgan. Cover by Tom Morgan. Vor/Tex has turned the tables on the golden avenger! In a sinister twist, Vor/Tex has trapped Tony Stark's consciousness in cyberspace; while uploading itself into Tony's body! And the first thing Vor/Tex does... is head to the liquor cabinet! Oh no! And then Vor/Tex dons a suit of armor! Tony better escape from cyberspace soon... before Vor/Tex ruins his entire life! In the meantime in the Middle Kingdom, the Mandarin returns to the battlefield (where he was defeated in Iron Man 275) and searches for his lost power rings! Cameo appearances by
Bethany Cabe, Abe Zimmer, Philip Grant, Veronica Benning, and Mrs. Arbogast.
Cover price $1.50.