"Meltdown!" Part 1 of 2. Script by Len Kaminski. Pencils by Kevin Hopgood. Inks by Mike DeCarlo. Cover by Kevin Hopgood and Mike DeCarlo. Jim Rhodes is adjusting to life as the new CEO of Stark Enterprises! And it's quite a job taking on Tony's former responsibilities! But do those responsibilities include Tony's former girlfriends? Maybe so! As Rhodey has a dinner date with Rae LaCoste! Meanwhile, a new villain called Atom Smasher threatens to destroy Stane International's Southern California
nuclear facility! And since Stark Enterprises recently purchased Stane International, the armored avenger must go into action! Cameo appearances by Abe Zimmer, Dr. Erica Sondheim, Marcy Pearson, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark, and the Living Laser (in disguise). (Note: During this time period, Jim Rhodes in the War Machine armor makes a guest appearance in Excalibur (1988
1st series) #59 and #60.) 32 pages.
Cover price $1.25.