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Issue Details

Issue #1
Published May 2000
Cover Price 2.50 USD; 3.95 CAD
Pages 36
Editing Mike McAvennie
Notes Cover credits from solicitation.

Cover Details - "Legacy"

Characters Umbra; Monstress; Kid Quantum; Saturn Girl; Live Wire; Brainiac 5.1; Ultra Boy; Apparition; Shikari; Chameleon
Genre Superhero
Pencils Olivier Coipel
Inks Andy Lanning
Letters Typeset
Notes Cover credits from solicitation.

23 page Legion of Super-Heroes story "Legion Lost"

Characters Kamlos; Reos; Shikari; Progeny; Legion of Super-Heroes [Element Lad; Cosmic Boy; Saturn Girl; Live Wire; Ferro; Invisible Kid; Spark; M'Onel; XS; Kinetix; Leviathan; Star Boy; Monstress; Umbra; Brainiac 5.1; Kid Quantum; Ultra Boy; Chameleon]
Synopsis Shikari takes sanctuary from the Progeny in the wreckage of Legion Outpost as it floats in space. There she witnesses a computer diary left by Element Lad explaining who the Legion are and how they were thrown outside of the universe. The Progeny find her there, and unwittingly release the Legion from their Tromium cocoon. The Legion repel the Progeny, but after taking stock of their situation find they still have a big challenge to face.
Genre Superhero
Script Dan Abnett; Andy Lanning
Pencils Olivier Coipel
Inks Andy Lanning
Colors Tom McCraw
Letters Comicraft
Notes Interlac translations: (p. 15) "I don't know what's going on...but I suggest you leave the girl alone." (p. 16) "Anyone here speak interlac?" "From the way they're looking at us, Live Wire...I'd say no." (p. 19) "Here, let me help you up." "Are you okay? Unhurt?" "You can use this..."