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Issue Details

Issue #3
Published October 2003
Cover Price 2.95 USD
Pages 36
Editing Joan Hilty; Harvey Richards (Assistant)

Cover Details - "Hits the Spot!"

Characters Lobo
Genre superhero; humor
Pencils Alex Horley (Painted)
Inks Alex Horley (Painted)
Colors Alex Horley (Painted)
Letters Typeset

22 page Lobo story "It's Bling Bling the Hip Hop Ho!"

Characters FEATURE: Lobo; GUESTS: Bling Bling; Nabob Abui (Death)
Synopsis Lobo kills the Nabob Abui and violently resists being made the new Nabob.
Genre superhero; humor
Script Keith Giffen
Pencils Mike DeCarlo (pgs. 1-6); Alex Horley (Painted)
Inks Mike DeCarlo (pgs. 1-6); Alex Horley (Painted)
Colors J.D. Mettler (pgs. 1-6); Alex Horley (Painted)
Letters Tom Orzechowski
Notes The first six pages of the story are an attempt at humor by presenting a new DC comic (as drawn by DeCarlo) full of hip hop lingo and racial stereotypes; This story pokes fun at and may be offensive to African Americans, Middle Eastern zealots and right-wing fundamentalists everywhere.